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Orange AD30 Twin Channel all-valve head

Orange AD30TC

Every guitarist knows that their amplifier sounds best when cranked, but it's very rare that a live sound engineer will agree! If you are one of the millions of guitarists tired of being told to "turn down", then the Orange AD30 twin channel combo could have been designed for you! Push the AD30 master up past "7" and the power amp will really start to sing... Without drowning out your drummer!

Nothing beats the snap and definition you will experience from a class A amplifier fully cranked! It is a tone that no amount of transistor or digital circuitry can mimic. Take a look at any modeling amplifier and you will always find this sound missing. Furthermore, ask any guitar magazine reviewer and they will tell you the same thing. Of all the amplifier manufacturers, no one captures this sound as perfectly as Orange!

The perfect guitar sound? We like to think so!

Channel 1

Voiced with slightly less gain and slightly more head room, channel 1 allows you to fully crank the master to obtain a super loud clean tone saturated with warmth. Start dialing in the gain control, and channel 1 will take you seamlessly through snappy break up into crunchy rhythm and finally, full on distortion. This channel is perfect for any rhythm guitar part whether you're playing country, blues, punk or rock!

Channel 2

From warm clean to full on distorted lead guitar, channel 2 has it all! Voiced with more gain, the Orange engineers designed Channel 2 for a fully driven distortion sound without losing the purity of it's clean tone. It's this tonal verity that makes the AD twin channel amplifiers so incredibly versatile! Of course you could use channel 1 for clean and channel 2 for lead. But what about channel 1 from distorted rhythm and channel 2 for distorted lead boost. Or even channel 2 for rhythm clean and channel 1 for a loud clean solo boost! The options are endless and the choices are yours.


s/n: 1718-05-02

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