Cornell Plexi 45/50

Cornell Plexi 45/50

Most of today's guitarists are aware of some amplifier history, and "Plexi" must be one of the best known nicknames for a range of amplifiers produced by Marshall from about 1963 to 1969. We have refined this fundamental design to its ultimate, tailoring the components and adjusting the circuit to produce the definitive Plexi sound.

Back in the late 60s there were very few rock bands not using this type of amp, and still today this classic tone can be heard. The Cornell-Plexi amp has that instantly-recognised sound and if you play rock, or simply want the Plexi tone, this range of amplifiers is an absolute necessity. Whether it is the 18/20 head or combo, or the 45/50 stack, these amplifiers are in the business of classic rock tones.


s/n: 0068